Imannuel Kant

We can also see the satisfaction of fulfilled duty if we succeed in sowing the seeds of concern with regard These contents so you can make it grow through research and the study of well-known authors, of which lines later will quote references, and whose fundamentals include comprehensive reflections and approach the subject from metaphysical or religious viewpoints. To begin our exposure, we will say that the study of values and virtues is understood within philosophy and more specifically in its branch of ethics. As review we have mentioned that since time immemorial has arisen the interest in trying to reasonably justify what are the values and virtues, to this, only to mention some of the most prominent in the course of history would be the Greek philosopher Aristotle, or the movement of thought called stoicism, already in the old media to the theologian and philosopher Christian Holy Tomas de Aquino, and later to the philosophers of the modern thought Imannuel Kant or Friedrich Nietzsche. Since delving into his works you can discover the context under which statements were made by their theories about the value and virtue. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.. Now, placing us in the problem that concerns us, we will be pointing terms with the idea always in mind of go properly joining our theme. To the question what is the value or values? We can answer aside from polysemy and acotaremos us to say that they are perfections or goods, which are found in beings and actions by choice of them. A little more clarifying this description, we can say that the values are objective, since they are not in our essence as a people, we do not create them since these are part of the same existence, but simply is our duty to discover them and adopt them as a norm of life. We can carry out a classification of values in physical and values spiritual, of the first, we can list the food, health, relaxation, etc., and second we can cite the intellectuals, religious and moral.