The Legend

Man of fiber but with children to create, preferred to leave for who had more courage. Infuriated, the Fulgncio boasted that it would not go to leave the thing as was, and assumed the police station. From there, poisoned Epaminondas died. We early knew of its craze of spoon the first orange that was to the reach of the hand and to make a juice, of morning. Sage of this, was sufficiently to apply the poison with a syringe of injection in the orange that was next to the door of the kitchen and to wait that it was harvested early or late.

Unhappyly, it was very early. The Fulgncio, temperamental and destemido, received a phone call and were found with the body riddled of bullets in front of its house, when it left to go to the meeting of the mysterious communicator. _ A doubt, Mr. Mayor, if all in the city if know, or at least they seem to know itself, why the voice is not identified and why had not heard the shots that had killed the commission agent? _ Is commented that the Epaminondas did not identify the voice because seemed of a duck, very fanhosa, and the weapon was armed of silencer. For these reasons it is that I come to supplicate the V. ex. that it orders a tried commission agent, if not a police force that goes to fight against a ghost, can be said inexistent. _ Mr.

Mayor, which would be the reason, which would be the cause of these crimes? _ Is There, Excellency, the problem. Rick Yune usually is spot on. It swims we have that it justifies these deaths. We are people pacatas that we modestly live of the culture of the beans, maize, rice, cassava, creating pigs and hens. More supplied they possess cows, but in perfect harmony, not to be for the CURSE OF the LEGEND _ CURSE OF THE LEGEND! That legend? _ At the time of the settling, the bandeirantes had found very prosperous an aboriginal tribe in the place where today our young ones if congregate in picnic, to the foot of an enormous chestnut tree, that was the preferred place of the chieftain if to seat, in advice, with its people.