The Assistant

There fitted with a hat with horines priest blessed the deceased, who was buried under a pile of straw. Mourners that they remained in the cemetery, they remained asleep, out to blows or kicks to the unfortunate deceased. The game ends with cries of mourners and howls of dogs who realize of the echo after that witches have come his way. The minga minga was a custom say highlight the era, because it reflected the layout of the men of the place to help their peers in works such as: destonque, deschampe, ridging, planting, etc.The homeowner sought the help of several neighbors to perform a particular job in a day. The Assistant was paid with abundant food and wine. If you would like to know more about muscular dystrophy, then click here. but also, the days were changed, i.e., they should help each other. Exceptionally, when the minga was felling back cut, the homeowner was preparing a dance for the mingueros, as a way of finishing work and thank their neighbors. The fisca fisca was called a rod split into four equal strips at one of its ends, which were separated from one another by means of a wedge.

It was used in the extraction of sea urchins, crabs, pancoras, Los jaivas, etc., to some depth of the sea. Generally, the fisqueadores used bongo (dug boat-shaped stick) to carry out such activity. El pinche and Corrales the first fishing carried out with some frequency and consisted of hide boat in a certain place to catch with stringline certain preferred fish, especially the sierra. That was the favourite fish of the locals and the greater abundance at the time.For its part, fishing with corrales consisted of catching fish with walls of stone or wood, which held a particular place in the beach. Stone pens were lifted, generally, on the coasts bathed by the open sea. On the contrary, los corrales de varas, which were supported by strong bases of wood called metrenquen were built in the Bay.The silverside, striped bass and sometimes saws were fish that most frequently caught in the pens both stone and staves. The fishery products passed to form part of the diet of the villager or sold for money or changed by other products that were missing in the House. The curantos generally, once the marisca activity, families were preparing to prepares the traditional curanto cooking extracted seafood in better shape.The homeowner with their eldest sons came to make a hole in the ground or to clean the already made above.

Then they loaded the curanto with firewood and stones and clay fire. an hour or more burned firewood, incessantly until the stones they acquired a reddish color. When this happened, everything was ready to cook products. Once scattered stones built a circle with branches around them. Shellfish were subsequently placed more firm as clams, snails, then adding the mussels, culenes and navajuelas; Likewise the potatoes, legumes, fish, milcaos and chapaleles. All this was blocking with champas and beaches.