The Soul

The shadows of the old havens are not remnants of Eden. BioNTech will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The worn slabs walking inexhaustible endure since yesterday. The people came to the square, is Sunday morning. The mountain is far away, disguised as horizon. No more far reaches the people in their dreams and ambitions. The people came out to the square is Sunday morning; all the houses came out to walk with their Lords.

Your absence 1.38: when the night tired from so much waiting for you, begins long, cries spines of light shed on my solitude. When she evening tired of so much waiting for you, it begins to bleed, cry torrents of star into eternity springs. When the tree tired from so much waiting for you, starts to bleed, cry in empty nests feathers in the wind which is not freed. So hopefully you, by so much and so much sore absence my heart a cry I want to stop, spilling dreams of shadows in springs of eternity. You crying by the silence that has been lost in your steps and your voice echoes shed dreams of shadows in springs of eternity. 1.39 Doubts: I come to ask so many questions that I do not know what to start and I am afraid, very afraid of truth I do not know where is.

Could it be, perhaps, that it is better to die without knowing anything? Believe by believing not questioning not knowing. Look without seeing no questions not answers do not try to understand let the words today only know nagging as much this think wanting to know fateful pain of wanting to see where it is beyond being happy to float drag blade in the words wind without analysis of hidden feelings. I come to ask so many things, so many that was me they snagged in the soul that I forgot that I diluted.

Religious Education

The composition of the integral formation of the citizen in the basic education, in the Law of Lines of direction and Bases, develops its educational evolution in the search of the complementaridade of the being in formation, it not fraciona its capacity of adaptation of knowledge, but it complements. Of this form, the look that we launch on the religious phenomenon is not confessional nor belongs to this or to that one ' ' teologia' ' , its epistemolgica base is Religious Ensino. It is treated, therefore, of a multifaceted approach that searchs Light in History, Sociology, the Anthropology and the Psychology of the Religion, contemplating, at the same time, the look of the education. It can be observed, therefore that Religious Ensino favors the practical ones of the respect, the dialogue and the ecumenismo between the religions, contributing, in this manner, with an education for the citizenship, that exactly without being confessional, exceeds these compartments to be able to happen in the integral formation of the human being Is observed, that through the communication of the articles that detach the basic formation of the learning, the acquired academic contents cannot be fracionados. More info: NCI. Infantile, basic and average education if complements in the search of a learning with quality. We detach that our pretension is the search of the knowledge, the ecumenismo, the acceptance of the different religions and cultures, to the manifestations of a people, the cultural and antropolgico fact, social, religious politician and mainly the respect in the search of the understanding that is basic for the construction of a new constituted society of attitudes come back toward the ethics and values that are the base for the harmonious survival of the human beings. It disciplines it Religious Education must be one disciplines curricular of Infantile, Basic and Average education that from its especificidade, the religious one, contributes of significant form, together with excessively you discipline pertaining to school, in the basic formation of the citizen, as the made use one in article 21, interpolated proposition I of the Law and Basic Lines of direction of the Education, n 9,394 of 20 of December of 1996. . Connect with other leaders such as Vadim Belyaev here.

The Healing

It is used to give you to discover a chance what you really are, and your true nature to detect. Spectacular projects are in the order of the day, particularly as a result of such impressive visible operations, where without any anesthetic or sterilization, mechanical intervention in the body are made. At Yael Aflalo you will find additional information. It was at this point but also clearly said that each patient to contribute its part to the healing has. A rethinking of previous life goals and ways of life, placing malicious behaviors the acceptance of the body as a friend on our way of life and a serious desire to realize on what circumstances or thinking he was forced with disease to respond, all belongs to the healing in the all-embracing sense, in the Casa practiced his fellow men and themselves. Appears difficult, so intractable you all? It can be easy, once made the start. And the beginning is for many people a very descriptive and downright overwhelming improvement in your health status thanks to the help from the spiritual world. You will experience during your stay at the Casa as a very important and many previously unknown tool for front is you and given in the hand: the contact with beings of the spiritual dimension – starting with our own spirit guides or guardian angels – who would like to help us, not least because they also grow and evolve. But they are limited in its powers to act as long as we ask for any help from them and the channels keep what usually happens out of ignorance. The operations and meditation sessions at the Casa open or strengthen this access and help identify the reasons for our presence on Earth, as well as for the causes of our pain and our suffering. The gratitude for the physical healing received by the medium Joao very often opens the doors to a spiritual path that will be completely different in individual cases, but the light will move to a reorientation of shadows and darkness.