The Therapist

Imagine that a patient tells us that the enormous suffering caused by ongoing discussions with his wife, which on the other hand, loves and does not want to lose. It is those relationships that I call "gum relationships (because they are always about to break, but never do). We can also call relations "neither you nor without you." They are couples who seem to be linked by a rigid rod of a meter, so if one leaves, the other goes back, but if the first turns, now it is the other fleeing. It is always a "one meter." They move a lot, but nothing ever happens. These couples who love attacking them (return to them, when speaking of melodramas). According to Cleveland Clinic, who has experience with these questions.

Let's continue with our example. When the patient tells the therapist the last discussion, this realizes that the patient is completely oblivious to how his attitude (tone of voice, gestures, looks, etc..), which causes fear, which is go on and on arguing with his wife in an endless cycle. It shows absolutely unable to integrate his "I participant" with his "I observer." At this point, when the therapist will "pay" their "observing ego." He points out those aspects of their behavior (tone, looks, gestures, etc..), He has differentiated and are those who dismiss his wife to make this react with even more anger, perpetuating the cycle of discussions and mutual abuse . The planned integrated brief psychotherapy, as I understand it and practice, has a didactic component negligible. If you would like to know more then you should visit Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta. I always try to teach the patient and not catch fish it for him (this is a major perversion of psychotherapy). I understand that the patient must be analyzed to live and not live to be analyzed. If you do not teach him to fish, would have a lifelong patient (patient scholarship) and that would be very lucrative, but highly unethical. Well, when the patient has developed or strengthened, through psychotherapy, the "observing ego" is that the therapist has been able to "teach" and transmit their own "observing ego." That is, my patient and know "fish" or whatever it is the same, the patient and takes his own therapist on the inside, and that fact makes him strong candidate for the high treatment. According to the speaker, judge for yourselves whether or not important what the "observing ego" in therapy. Reproduced in whole or in part, provided that mention the author and source.

Corporate Gifts

Market all of them there are more than 10,000 references to corporate gifts to personalize with your image or logo. You can find a wide variety of promotional items to give away to your customers and potential customers. In this way, we perform our advertising campaign at the same time we please get them who, thereby they have a more positive image of us. Among the variety of gifts of company may choose, for example: advertising t-shirts, personalized pens, keychains, calendars, gifts for lovers of the tableware and catering as items of kitchen, cups, breakfast sets, aprons, gifts linked to computing like mice, mouse pads, or USB based on our objective memories will choose a type of personalized gift or otherwise. Company gifts can also be used to promote any product or service from our company. Using this technique, we can increase sales and extend the base gives our customer data. In these cases, it is convenient that promotional gifts are clearly related to the product that you want to promote. The choice of gifts of company will also depend on whether these are for some important event like the congresses, anniversaries, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

In these cases is usually resorting to corporate gifts such as custom caps, advertising candy, fabric briefcases, document holder, identifiers and lanyards. We may also request company gifts to deliver to a specific type of clients. In these cases, as the number of recipients is smaller, we can opt for more exclusive corporate gifts. Some of them would be: set of suitcases, golf items, ties, sets of important wine is to choose gifts of company as advertising design that we want to appear in the same. Before to start the production process, they can visualize the layout of the final design (article with information advertising of your company) so that they can make corrections necessary if so requires it.

The production of all these corporate gifts not expensive for the employer, which clearly benefits the company. What actually interests us all is to find those corporate gifts that most impact to those who receive them without implying a high cost. You can check this information on the website of regalopublicidad. In it you will find professionals with the expertise to advise you in your choice, clarifying them any questions you might have and thus make the best match to the business gift they choose.