Fibromialgia Staple

The electrodes are placed in the surface of the skin, and the transmitted impulses of cutaneous form stimulate staple fibres the beta, mielinizadas, that they lead ascending information. Thus, if the transmission of stimulatons through staple fibres It will be predominant, the signal of pain lead for staple fibres C (also responsible for the conduction of painful sensitivity) is inhibited by cells T, and do not ascend of the lateral espinotalmicos tractos for the thalamus. On the other hand, if the impulses of staple fibres C to surpass the stimulatons propagated for staple fibres, pain will go to prevail. John Studzinski has plenty of information regarding this issue. In this manner, the chain, while applied, promotes an hiper-excitement of a, with the purpose to block the transmission of staple fibres C, what it explains the relief of pain. (12-16) Already the after-effect is related with the release of opiides endogenous, that they are the frmacos most important in the treatment of pain. They are known as neuropeptdeos hormones that will originate active agents after enzymatic segmentation. The 3 neuropeptdeos families of opiides belong: the dinorfinas (set free in the spinal marrow frequently of 100 the 1000 Hz), the encefalinas and the endorfinas (the set free 2 in the SNC with the 10 frequencies of 5 Hz), being these last important ones in the mechanism of relief of pain. (12-16) Although this benefit if draws out short-term in the fibromilgicos, release of opiides endogenous YOU HAVE for it especially occurs in cerebral areas analgesia central offices, involving sedativas as serotonina, encefalinas and b-endorfinas substances, that act in hipotlamo. (12-16) With this, the applicability and result of the use of this device in the acometidos ones for the syndrome of the Fibromialgia have reduction in the threshold of pain in them to tend points and reduction in diffuse pain. (12-16) Therapy Manual and Crioterapia the manual therapy can be important an allied one.