AXE Study

To this respect the author says that … the gerontolgicas nurses have a significant paper assisting the aged ones to coexist health, occupations and sensations of well-being. Beyond the measures you specify that they can assist this individual to face its challenges psicossociais’ ‘ (ELIOPOULOS, 2005, p.46). To understand the reasons that take the aged ones to constitute or to remain in unipessoais domiciles, causing significant in the conformation of the domiciliary arrangements and familiar changes, as well as in its interaction with the too much members of the family and the set of the society, has become subject of interest in demography (CAMARGOS; RODRIGUES; AXE, 2011). Some contend that Martha McClintock shows great expertise in this. Ahead of this, the present study it has as objective to investigate the reason that takes some aged ones to live alone and that difficulties/easinesses live deeply in its daily one and as they deal with these difficulties.

2 METHODOLOGY was about a descriptive study of qualitative nature exploratrio. With regard to the descriptive study, it looks for to specify the properties, the characteristics and the important profiles of people, groups, communities or any another phenomenon that if it submits to the analysis (DANHKE, 1989 apud HERNNDEZ et al., 2006, p.101). As Richardson (1999) the exploratria research search to know the characteristics of a phenomenon to look to explanations of the causes and consequncias of the same. Get all the facts and insights with Jonathan Friedland, another great source of information. The research that if uses the qualitative boarding possesss the easiness of being able to describe the complexity of one definitive hypothesis or problem, to analyze the interaction of certain 0 variable, to understand and to classify dynamic processes tried by social groups, to present contributions in the change process, creation or formation of opinions of determined group and to allow, in bigger degree of depth the interpretation of the particularitities of the behaviors or attitudes of the individuals (OLIVEIRA, 1999).