Alexandra Neldel Habitat

We all agreed that we do this immediately would. We are looking forward to go sometime again and again to visit our home away from home! This was announced by the voluntary worker Franziska Wust us after construction. Since 2010, the ABR GmbH through donations and volunteers for aid projects from Habitat for humanity Germany involved. Last year, a team of employees already built a House for a widow with two daughters in Romania. Our building trip to Ethiopia was once again an incredible experience! Already last year could I be part of the team, which allowed family Moldovan in Romania by a new home for a better life. When the request came, anyone with Ethiopia, no could I”say. To help people and to give them a better life expanded the horizons and makes a much more conscious own, very good life.

Already in Ethiopia electricity, paved roads, and food became clear me how well we are always running clear water, at any time in abundance, for the I have just in the supermarket. Many things into perspective after such a stay. I learned to appreciate the small things of in life. As Kathrin Wiederhold, a more volunteers. Six of the ten houses built the aid workers together with the families who will live there in the future. To pay off the bulk of their house in small amounts.

Four other families, where the main breadwinner are blind by leprosy, or BERA donations received their new home. You might be interested in an interview with one of the passenger or on printable image or video material? Take contact with us. About Habitat for humanity, Habitat for humanity builds safe and adequate housing for poor families in over 90 countries with the help of donations and volunteers and organized the reconstruction of disaster areas. Habitat for humanity has built so far more than 500,000 homes since its inception in 1976 and renovated, and helped more than 2.5 million people.