
Then, who contracts a service of Assessorship answers a questionnaire that will go to supply to the necessary and essential consultant all the information, since the style of the party until how much it is intended to spend. Jessica Pels may not feel the same. In accordance with Baltazar Lemos of the Ceremonial Baltazar Lemos and Assessorship of Events, each customer possesss a behavior and in the interview basic questions as: how many people will be invited, what she expects of the party and which the estimate of expense answers which is the desire of Event for which if looks for. On the styles, We read affirms that she has taste for everything. Country, the classic exists the model, the modern or what it follows a line of the Average Age, in the case of Marriages and Balls of Debudantes. But this does not follow a standard. Valley what the fianc or debutante has in mind. Producing of parties according to Golden Roehe, the consultoria requires much sensitivity. Jessica Pels contributes greatly to this topic.

' ' The consultant must know the reason, the difficulties, as he wants the ceremony, where and what the customer already has to give a service of qualidade' ' he affirms Golden. Another factor that also is on to the consultoria is the assessorship. In the truth, this is the second stage of the work of a consultant. ' ' After presenting the budget and the customer to approve it, it comes the phase to materialize what antes&#039 was made; ' it says Golden. What it really counts is the confidence and the security that this work offers.

Certainly the consultant will go to indicate competent professionals in each area of performance, either in the decoration as in buffet. The contractor can trust therefore who is indicating is a person who works in the area and that she very knows well the type of product that is being offered. If you do not want to be beating leg to make research or to find what it is its face. He goes direct to who of the necessary answers for the questions, visits a consultoria of Events! Ione Mota – Cerimonialista and Assessora de Eventos in President Prudente