Clemens Weber

As also in the conventional LASIK, you should consult earlier about the various methods and requirements. Initially comfortable you can do this via the Internet or other information leaflets, but this replaces not mandatory visiting your eye doctor or the doctor in the eye clinic, who will later perform the Femto LASIK for you. General exclusion criteria, that even without a visit to an ophthalmologist independently to determine you and thus determine whether it is worth to consult a specialist, it, among others, are that you must have completed at least the 18.Lebensjahr for Femto LASIK. Also you must not be located during the execution of a Femto LASIK in pregnancy or lactation. To qualify for a Femto LASIK in question applies as well as for a conventional LASIK, that the diopter should have deteriorated in the past year not more than 1.0. In addition to these general criteria, but there is no way on the detailed preliminary study at an ophthalmologist passes. Here it is advisable to carry out the preliminary investigation and the preliminary to the Femto LASIK at best in the eye clinic, where later the operation is performed.

This has the advantage that you can discuss all questions directly with the physician performing the Femto LASIK later and you will approach so automatically relaxed on the Femto LASIK. This is not only important, as far as possible to relax and to go without fear to the operation up to before the Femto LASIK, but will have a positive impact on the healing process. It is proven that in addition to the physical requirements whatever the psyche plays in the success of an operation inside. Moreover, a careful selection of the doctor to be treated in an excellent eye clinic has also the guarantee that the aftercare of professionally will be performed and so any complications can be corrected immediately.